It is found in the bones.
Think Kreepy Krauly… That magic pool cleaner that works day and night, clearing away all the decaying matter from the floor, climbing up the steps and suctioning off the accumulating dirt and debris from the sides. It removes all the waste by washing it through a filter system and circulating the purified water back to your pool. Without a proper cleaning system this material may otherwise lay dormant and decay slowly, causing damage to the surroundings and an irregular pH for the water. In the end, not only the water, but the marbelite and all other structures will be in a total mess, and nobody will want to use the pool anymore. Wouldn’t it be nice if we had such a thing in our bodies? The digestive system is forever working to chew, mash, digest, and reject what comes in through the mouth. So does the liver, gall, kidneys, and the urinary system. The same happens in the respiratory system. Whatever we breath in needs to be made useful or rejected. Another example is our vascular and lymphatic system. Our skin, the largest organ in the body is constantly getting rid of fluids filled with toxins, salts, and puss. Like the vacuum pool cleaner, these systems all work together to maintain a perfect balance in our bodies, preventing it to become such a mess, that we do not want to use it anymore. The Calc Sulph found in our bones assist in destroying old cells, abnormal discharges of puss, mucous and catarrh. However, sometimes things go wrong, and our systems fail. You might pick up a bad bug, anything from an ordinary cold to a stomach bug or a septic wound. You might battle with acne and pimples, boils, or slow healing ulcers. Suppurating insect bites, conjunctivitis (pink eyes) or another type of yellow discharge from the eyes. Other symptoms may be built up earwax, bleeding gums and mouth ulcers, tonsillitis, nasal discharge, and productive coughing. Furthermore, insomnia, general irritation and headaches could all be as a result of toxins in the blood from becoming liverish. That is when you need to supplement with Calc Sulph. Foods that are rich in calc sulph are onions, garlic, leeks, cauliflower, figs, prunes, celery, and parsley. These suffering bodies can benefit by eating lots of these, fresh or cooked. And finally, take Calc Sulph - tissue salt no. 3 every day. Article by Sister A Idema
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